Q2 President’s Message

Dear CVHRMA Members:

As I think about all of our accomplishments over the past 3 months, I feel extreme pride in our group.  The overall chapter vision continues to focus on increasing membership engagement, expanding our advocacy efforts, and enhancing our communication and branding.  I am off to the Cal SHRM Legislative Conference on April 19th as soon as our luncheon ends.  I have the opportunity to learn from employment law attorneys, national speakers and SHRM experts and plan to come back and share with you recent court decisions and current legislative trends that may affect your organization.

Speaking of membership engagement, we held our first social mixer at The Boardroom in March.  Thank you to Kathleen Xavier and Curt Zimmerman for hosting and obtaining the space.  We had good attendance, but want more!  We invite you to be our guest…June 1, 2017 at 5:30pm, location still to be determined.  Enjoy appetizers, a no host bar and networking!   We have added 30+ new members since January…super exciting.  I am thankful you found us.

CVHRMA volunteer committees are a great way for you to develop business and leadership skills and create key contacts within the HR profession.  If you have interest in helping with the Fall Conference, please let me know.  Mark your calendars for it, October 18th at Del Rio.  Exciting stuff such as employee privacy rights, workplace violence and data security are just a few of the topics we have lined up for you.

I encourage you to visit our website often. Great information such as the monthly chapter meetings/ programs, annual state and national conference information, current legislation, student scholarship information, job openings, membership and other links are just a few of the items that can be found on the website. We are excited to have Paige Horwood join us as the Social Media Chair. You can connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook; search for CVHRMA.

Thank you for your interest in HR education.  I am honored to serve as your President and look forward to making our Chapter the best in California.  We are well on our way! I welcome your feedback and look forward to meeting each of you soon.

Warm Regards,


Dawn H. Tacker, SHRM-CP, PHR

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